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Disused Museums

Today's International Museum Day is a great opportunity to introduce a new virtual tour. Its name is Disused Museums and its aim is to present period objects from the collections of party museums created in the second half of the 20th century in Czechoslovakia and Soviet satellites. These institutions had the task of presenting the ruling communist ideology, but after 1989 they disappeared en masse and their collections lost their original meaning. Through the thus formed ideological collection of the Museum of the Workers' Movement, the exhibition points to the historical role and possible ways of using preserved objects in the present day.

50 years of Prague underground

In addition to the battles for Czech Radio related to the end of the Second World War, these days we are also commemorating another interesting anniversary, which is the commissioning of the Prague underground. It has already been 50 years since the first robust Ečs sets produced at the Mytischinsky Engineering Plant near Moscow were rolled out. Its commissioning was preceded by eight years of construction work, the result of which were nine stations on route C from Kačerov to Sokolovská (today's Florenc). Today, the metro has three routes, about 65 kilometers and transports 600 million passengers annually.
